Landing Page, or landing page, is a page that is designed to achieve a digital marketing strategy in collaboration with web design experts and digital marketers and pursues goals such as gathering information, increasing site traffic and sales. In this article, we review 13 types of landing pages and introduce 14 practical solutions for landing page optimization.

What is a landing page?

A landing page is a page on your website where you can provide a source of your business and commerce through visitor contact information. Marketers can store this contact information using the form, where visitors enter information and details such as their name, address, email and job title.

Introducing different types of landing pages

  1. Squeeze page

79% of B2B marketers say that email is the most effective channel for generating demand. Therefore, it is not surprising that pressure plates are one of the most important and effective landing plates.

A compression page is a page where the goal is to store the user’s email address. Once you have the email address of your visitor, you can do your marketing work with the relevant content and other suggestions. The most common type of compression page is to enter real-time content to receive an email address in order to receive newsletters, e-books, whitelists, and other content.

Make sure your compression page is simple and tempting enough to ask the user to enter their email address.

  1. 2. Splash page

The Splash page in the landing page does not always target data storage. These pages are usually used when someone clicks on a social media or a content link. In fact, when a click is made on a social media traffic or content link, the visitor is sent to the Splash page instead of sending it directly to the article or destination. This page may share a notification for the user, for example a notification such as “We have just unveiled the date of the 2019 Marketing Conference”. It may also ask the user to enter the language they prefer or their age. The Splash page may even offer an ad for the publisher to benefit from.

The Splash page does two things very well. First, it puts a countdown on the ad and allows the user to easily click and enter the article without seeing the ad. And second, it shows the ad to the user, whose purpose is very clear.

  1. Lead Capture Page

The recording screen is similar to the pressure screen but generally provides more information. Information such as business name, email address, job title and industry, etc. are what these landing pages want to store.

The information you request from the visitor on these pages depends on the goals of the page and the goals of your sales and marketing teams, as well as the customer’s location in your sales funnel. If your recorder is on top of the funnel, it is best not to use long, long forms.

However, if your customer comes to the recording page after showing genuine interest in your product or service, you can ask them for more information here to help guide and guide them.

  1. Click through the landing page

All marketers know that they have to offer their value to the customer before asking for money. Clicking through the landing page gives your product or service this value without being tangible to the customer before clicking the “You can now make your purchase” button.

Often this page is like a landing page that shares the benefits and features of your product and encourages the customer to try and answer questions. When they click the button, they go to a landing page or other landing page that provides pricing details and requires payment information.

However, when your customer lands on this page, they will know how to move forward to reach their final destination.

  1. Get started option

This option should be at the top of the page. You can take a look at this page in Malchimp and see how it explains their main benefits. You are at a great stage right now. A Get Started button is waiting for the audience.

  1. Unsubscribe page

Obviously, you do not want to cancel any campaign on your subscription pages, but you should consider this option. Ensure that users can successfully unsubscribe and be given the opportunity to adjust their preferred settings or box.

After all, just because they do not want to receive your emails does not mean that they may not want to browse your site. Consider creating a second chance option to allow users to re-subscribe if they wish.

  1. Long sale form page

In the long sales form, short and concise questions will not help you. You need to think about any questions that the customer may have for you, for example if they have question best place to buy website traffic you should give the clear details how to buy traffic and how it work. any obstacles that may arise to the purchase and all the benefits that the customer will enjoy when scrolling down the page.

  1. Paid advertising page

If you do not have customers who click on paid or paid ads on your landing page, you will lose a lot of profit. In general, you want to make a profit through these ads as well as sales.

  1. Page 404

404s never look good, but it’s important to make them look their best. Try to be creative with 404s. For example, you can use humor to make up for mistakes and always direct your audience to the main page or neutral landing page.

You can set your 404-landing page to work as a tool. Here is an example of our 404 page on HubSpot . On page 404, we offer the user three options: Visit our blog, learn more about our software, or sign up for the free demo.

  1. About Us Page

The page about us does not have to be so-called dead end. You can turn this landing page into a useful page.

Consider an example from Glossier Cosmetics. They blend their About Us page with different history, perspectives, and missions, but still teach the reader how to move forward. At the bottom of the page, they provide a reminder and link to purchase, track, email, and subscribe to the company, and save a subscription email.

  1. 11. Coming soon

If you want to launch an exciting new product soon but you are not ready to reveal the full details yet, you can set up a simple landing page called coming soon.

You can suggest to your audience that if they wish to receive the launch date of the new product, they should leave their email so that the details and the exact date of the new product will be sent to them.

  1. 12. Pricing page

If you are unveiling new prices and new product details, you may want to consider a new page for these landing page changes. Regardless of that, your pricing page should be one of the best on your site.

Here we can take the example of the Wista pricing page which clearly shows the 3 packages of their products that are linked from the start page. What I like about their pricing page are the two boxes they put right after the feature list and before the descriptions. They provide special contacts for those who may not need them in these three boxes.

Adjust your pricing page so that even if you do not talk about additional services with the customer needs, the customer will explore the page in an adventurous way.

  1. Thank you page

Often a thank you page does not follow the actual purchase order. This page actually tells you something you already know. For example, content like this appears on the Thanksgiving page: “You have now downloaded one of the best white pops in the world.” You thank you page should be accompanied by an additional suggestion or a goal to thank the user.

You are given an incredible opportunity to offer more value to the customer, do not waste it.

Here is another example of a Thanksgiving page on HubSpot. This page offers an additional suggestion for free advice on applying user-generated content. The consultation form received provides different and more detailed information about HubSpot about the applicant’s job needs.

14 great tips for optimizing your landing page in 2020

If you want to improve the conversion rate of your website, it is better to optimize your landing page using the best methods and strong data. This process starts from the moment you start designing the page and continues for a long time after the page is created.

Think of building these pages as a product. You do not design the prototype on the first day. Instead, you may create 100 prototypes before you complete the product. Landing pages do not work just like that. You need to create these pages in a way that engages your audience, compels them to act, and meets their expectations.

  1. Make your proposal clear

“Good marketing makes a company look smart, but great marketing makes the customer feel smart,” says Joe Chernow, a marketing expert. If you want to increase your conversion rate, it is better to use this wisdom in building your landing page.

When you first start planning your optimization strategy, think about how you can lead the customer to experience positive emotions. You want them to feel smart, grateful, inspiring and exciting. Start by thinking about your customer’s specific goal and turn that goal into a title.

  1. 2. Simplify your landing page

A very simple landing page may seem vulnerable, but it avoids the complexity and confusion of the audience. If you want your audience to focus on the award, call them to action.

Dropbox is consistently one of my favorite examples. This landing company creates very attractive pages that have a large volume without high use of high efficiency words. There are only 5 main elements at the top of the page, and three of them are small enough to fit in a navigation bar. The fourth provides a pleasant but subtle image, and the last element is the focus on Call To Action   .

  1. Try contrasting colors

The best landing pages I have ever seen use a lot of color contrast but are excellent in terms of color and sharpness.

In the Starbucks example you can ignore the CTA. Even though the “Join now” button reflects the color of the star in the logo on the left, it is much more prominent and clearer. The black texture obscures the CTR headline. In addition, there is a lot of negative space between the logo and the other elements.

  1. Hold the important parts on top of the fence

The term above the fence refers to a newspaper. In traditional newspapers, the most compelling stories were always placed on the front page at the top of the page so that customers could see the headlines and want to buy the newspaper.

You can do the same by holding the elements of your landing page at the top of the digital screen. That is the point where the user has to move for more information. Now that most people are using smartphones and tablets, this is a little more difficult than ever. The good news is that you can use the scroll map to easily pinpoint the average location on other devices.

  1. Use scarcity techniques

Time constraints and quantity constraints are the most common marketing terms. The lack of landing page visitors forces you to do this and use these phrases because they know that if they procrastinate too much, they will lose the page.

Even department stores use this method. Seeing phrases like “only 2 minutes left” makes the user want to order immediately and be able to use or buy the product before anyone else.

You can do this on your website and attract an audience by activating a limited time for a discount or offering a specific time to use a webinar that may never happen again.

A countdown timer can add a visual element to the constraint. This tells your visitors how long they can take action on the offer.

  1. Place your call buttons directly

A call button or CTA should not cause the reader stress and confusion. Make your proposal clear, concise and clear. In the photos we shared above, you will see that companies avoid fantasy language and complicated offers and use phrases such as:

  • Click to download
  • Try the free commercial drobox
  • Connect now
  • Select here

These phrases are very simple but effective.

  1. Add contact information

You can make your website contact information available to your website visitors in different ways. You can put your contact number or email address on the landing page or you can use the contact form. Customers now know that they can find contact information, answers to frequently asked questions, and more.

  1. Try different titles

Texts are still focused on the world of images and film. People will read what they write so make sure your text resonates with your target audience.

Try different titles like A / B test on your landing page. You can also modify the body of the text and perform various experiments to see how these elements work.

  1. Be resilient

While a brand’s messages are now more important than ever, visual consistency can make a big difference in conversion rates.

For example, you place a Facebook ad that takes people to your landing page. This should reflect the text, images and other elements of your ad on the landing page. They should look visually similar and make the same offer to the audience. Otherwise your potential customer will be confused.

  1. Add testimony or satisfaction from other audiences to help users who are skeptical

I am a big fan of social proof. I want people to know that other businesses have used my products and services. Not only that, but I want to connect with them to help them achieve extraordinary results.

The testimony of others is one of the best ways to do this. If you can convince your customers to create a video description, you will succeed in this competition. Quotes are also ideal in the language of the customer and with the full name of the customer.

  1. 11. Try different short and long forms

Some marketers believe that only extremely short forms are effective. They say just ask for the email address and everything else is extra and lengthens the form, but this is not always true.

A longer form can be more effective if you want to offer an expensive product or service. You may attract fewer visitors, but they will all be eligible to purchase.

For example, asking a customer budget question about web design jobs can save you time. A customer who is looking for a $ 500 plan and your minimum package starts at $ 20,000 will not use your services.

  1. 12. Optimize your landing page for SEO

People always find landing pages through organic search. For example, one of your landing pages may be your home page. This means that if someone searches for your company name, they should find at least one of your pages.

  1. Try the output window

If a visitor wants to leave the page, an exit page will appear on your landing page. This is another opportunity to increase your conversion rate.

You can do this with a combination of compelling visuals, a strong headline and text so users can click on the CTA. Try using a special discounted output page or any other offer.

Using tools like Hello Bar, you can not only create output windows for separate pages on your site, but you can also create A and B tests.

  1. 14. Use A / B testing for everything

The more tests A and B you have, the more accurate your data becomes. Each of your tests A and B must include a single change. If you change several elements you will not know which one has affected the difference in conversion rate.

Once you have collected the data and identified your audience, you can apply what you find to redesign. Tests A and B can confirm that your conversion rate has improved.


If you have just started optimizing your landing pages, you can improve your chances of converting more visitors by following these tips. Here are 14 steps to increase your conversion rate:

  • Plan your SEO strategy in advance.
  • Simplify the design of your landing page.
  • Use contrasting colors.
  • Keep important items at the top of the page.
  • Use scarcity techniques.
  • Provide clear and simple call buttons.
  • Add contact information.
  • Test different titles.
  • Be steadfast and resilient.
  • Add descriptions and evidence.
  • Try different short and long forms.
  • Optimize landing pages for SEO.
  • Focus on targeted email Marketing
  • Try to put the exit window.
  • Use tests A and B for everything.
  • Work on to gain Keyword Targeted Google Organic Web Traffic

This plan helps you understand what factors are creating your vision and results, so you can add them to your suggestions.

Don’t forget that your conversion rate can increase based on a change in the design of your website based on user data. Use reports and video recordings wherever you can to gather more information about your website visitors. With these strategies, you have a good chance to conquer the competition.